Firemen Rescued Puppies From a Storm Drain, Then They Realized They Were Something Else. Check first comment below..

When local firemen responded to a report of puppies stuck in a storm drain in Colorado Springs, they found an unexpected find.

When they arrived to the scene, they discovered eight small black pups huddled together in the wet, muddy pit. However, closer study revealed that these were not Labrador pups, as previously supposed, but rather red fox kits, or vixen cubs.

The jogger who initially spotted the kits heard their screams and scoured the area around the storm drain, but she couldn’t find their mother. Fearing the worst, she contacted the non-emergency number and asked for help from the fire department.

When the firefighters arrived at the site, they attempted to open the storm drain cover, which was rusted shut. They used a crowbar to force it open, but they were careful not to frighten the kittens or their mother, who they felt was nearby.

However, after investigating the region, they were unable to locate the mother fox, raising questions about whether she had abandoned her babies or had been hurt or otherwise disabled.

The kits, which were just a few days old, were in serious condition because they were cold, wet, and starved. The firemen understood that they needed to transport them to a veterinary facility as quickly as possible so that they could receive the care and attention they required to survive.


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